Sarah R.'s review of Trust Holding Services Co.

Trust Holding Services Co.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/17/2009
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Review 7/17/2009
In 2007 we rented a home and signed a lease (31st August) with Trust Holding Services. Soon after we started receiving unwanted callers to our door telling us that the house e were renting was in foreclosure and was going to auction. When we spoke to the Company they told us that this was nothing to worry about and they were in full control of the situation. December 23rd 2007 an Agent for Bill Toth Assoc left a note asking us to call her. She then informed us that the house had been sold at auction and that we would be evicted if we did not leave. After Christmas we spoke with the Agent again and she gave us a letter to Quit from the new owners of the house. We then had to seek legal advice to help us with this situation. During all of this time Trust told us that we should not move out and that HSBC the new owners of the property did not own it. We then had 30 days to find a new home and leave the house. When we asked for our deposit to be returned Trust told us that we broke the lease by moving out and that they would not return this money. A while later they responded to our lawyer telling us that they would refund us our deposit. The money was promised along with tracking numbers, however when the envelope arrived it was empty. No cheque was ever returned to us. If you wish to view any documentation please feel free to contact me as I have copies of all legal paperwork as well as the envelope they sent to us which you can clearly see never contained a cheque. We then tried to go to the small claims court, one member of their team turned up however when ever we tried to serve papers to attend court they denied knowing the manager and promptly changed business address this whole saga carried on until August 2008 without resolution.
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