Business's response - by Spokeo, Incon 9/28/2011
Dear Holly, I’m very sorry to hear about this issue. When you choose to opt out of Spokeo, we place a permanent flag on your listing so that it does not ever reappear on We are constantly receiving new and updated listings, and we try very hard to match these new listings to the existing ones and preserve your privacy preference. However, a computer cannot know the difference between "John Smith at 1234 Nowhere Street" and "John Smith at 5678 Somewhere Avenue", though you may know that you moved. So if a new listing contains your new address, or if there are significant typos which prevent our computers from matching an existing listing, you will see a new listing for your name. We are constantly improving our matching algorithms in order to maintain your privacy. Spokeo guarantees that our opt-out policy is among the best on the Internet. In the meantime, If you have any listings that you would like to be removed, you can go ahead and email each of the URL's to our Privacy Team through our contact page: The Spokeo Privacy team will remove your listings as soon as possible. Just allow up to 24-hours for the change to be reflected on our site. I can also assure you that your email address is not saved and/or sold to third parties.